Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Kekerapan berlakunya jenayah di sesebuah Negara dapat mengukur tahap kemajuan sesebuah Negara itu dari pelbagai sudut. Jenayah berlaku dalam pelbagai bentuk dan cara termasuklah jenayah bunuh, ragut, curi dan rompak, jenayah siber, culik dan banyak lagi. Tidak kiralah dalam bentuk apa sahaja jenayah itu dilakukan kerana ianya tetap dikategorikan sebagai jenayah. Setiap jenyah yang dilakukan juga disediakan habuannya di dunia ini iaitu bergantung kepada undang- undang sesebuah Negara itu dalam menetapkan apa yang dibalas apa mengikut berat jenayah yang telah dilakukan. Jenayah juga seringkali dikaitkan dengan media. Media juga merupakan medium yang Berjaya dalam menakhluki cara seseorang manusia itu berfikir. Media merupakan apa-apa sahaja bahan yang membawa maklumat untuk diterima oleh masyarakat yang datang dalam bentuk bercetak mahupun elektronik. Peranan media yang sebenarnya sudah disalahgunakan oleh agensi-agensi yang berkaitan daripada menyebarkan maklumat kepada penyebaran aspek- aspek negatif terutamanya melalui media elektronik yang kemudiannya dipraktikkan dalam dunia sebenar yang seterusnya mengakibatkan berlakunya jenayah. Peranan media yang sepatutnya adalah mendidik dan bukan untuk merosakkan. Maka, jenyah dan media adalah dua perkara yang sangat berkait rapat pada masa kini.
Di Malaysia khususnya, kejadian jenayah sudah sebati dengan kehidupan seharian kita. Jika dikaji pada laporan seharian adalah sangat jelas menunjukkan bahawa kejadian jenayah umpama makanan seharian kita yang tidak lengkap jika ianya tidak berlaku. Berdasarkan jenayah- jenayah yang pernah berlaku di Negara kita, jenayah bunuh merupakan jenayah yang sangat popular pada saat ini. Kes yang melibatkan jutawan kosmetik Novelle’s Visage (NV) dilaporkan mati dibunuh bersama dengan tiga orang yang lain telah mengejutkan rakyat Malaysia terutamanya apabila kes itu merupakan tunjang kepada terbongkarnya banyak kes lain yang berlaku pada golongan kebanyakan dan didakwa merupakan kes bunuh kejam itu dilakukan oleh penjenayah yang sama. Tidak hanya terhad kepada kes pembunuhan, jenayah penculikkan kanak- kanak juga dilihat di antara jenayah yang serius berlaku di Negara kita dan sukar untuk dicari jalan penyelesiannnya. Kes kehilangan kanak- kanak sangat popular dan masih lagi berlaku sehingga kini. Kes penculikkan kanak- kanak yang telah berlaku terhadap Nuris dan Shalini masi lagi segar dalam ingatan rakyat Malaysia kerana kanak- kanak tersebut telah dibunuh selepas persitiwa penculikan dan pihak polis juga gagal untuk menyelamatkan mereka.
Golongan yang sering kali terlibat dalam kejadian jenayah kebanyakannya merupakan golongan yang berpendidikan tinggi dan merupakan individu yang bijak pandai tetapi motif kejadian jenyah ini dilakukan masih lagi tidak dapat dikesan tetapi banyak persoalan yang timbul berhubung mengenai mengapa jenayah seumpama dilakukan.
Jenayah di Malaysia juga dilihat semakin berleluasa apabila Negara kita semakin membangun. Adakah ini akibat daripada kepesatan ekonomi Negara kita walhal rakyat masih kekal serupa. Kedatangan warga asing ke dalam Negara kita juga turut membawa padah terhadap masyarakat dan merupakan penyumbang besar kepada jenayah. Hal ini dililat sebagai tidak wajar kerana mereka sepatutnya berterima kasih kepada kita kerana membenarkan mereka datang untuk belajar dan bekerja di sini tetapi keadaan yang sebaliknya pula yang berlaku.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Pornography materials are sexual source that are being experience regularly by an individual that can actually cause raping issue towards another individual. This issue always happened towards our society nowadays and it is never stops from happening. As we can see, it won’t be complete in the daily newspaper without came out with any of raping cases. It keeps on happening and it is happening everyday without us realizing it. When will it stops? Who to blame? What causing it?

Medium are the ways that the source being presented. It is includes the television, radio, reading materials, internet, and many more. These sexual sources should actually go through few steps of filtering process before it is being publish to the public to be experience. Who are the people that responsible of handling the filtering process? That is what will the researcher presents on the findings. Because of the lacks of the filtering process, this negative issue had became worst because it is effecting the senior citizen, women and even a little girl. Very unfortunate for those who are born as female because they have to deal with such a negative issue.

Men are born with such needs of pleasure in sexual but raping is not the right way of doing it. Based on many newspaper articles, people who tend to do such thing towards the Malaysian people are mostly Malaysians and there are also few cases that are caused by the outsiders who mostly came from Africa, Indonesia, Bangladesh and many more. But the important part is that why does our people tend to be involved with such a negative issue because mostly the people who are living in Malaysia are Malay people who are should be very sensitive in protecting its religion because in Islam, raping is a sin. Besides that, other religion also being teaches by their religion of not doing the same. But why is it still happening?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

read this :)

Todd Hunt ( 1972) pointed to these functions of reviewers and entertainment writers in covering the arts:
1. First, and foremost, the reviewer informs readers about the arts. Readers learn about the existence of new works from their favorite publications.
2. Reviewing and criticism help to raise the cultural level of the community, the region, and the nation. By setting standards for performance, the cultural community is, in the long run, improved.
3. Reviewers and critics impart personality to the community. By writing lively copy, expressing well-supported opinions, and by being a little bit different, the reviewer and critic provide a unique personal dimension to their feature writing .
4. Reviewers and critics advise readers how to best use their resources. Reviewers and critics help readers decide what films to see, books to read, restaurants to visit, and which theaters to attend. With limited entertainment budgets, many readers depend on their local reviewers and critics to guide them in making these decisions.
5. Reviewers and critics help artists and performers to fine-tune their works. As an educated consumer, a qualified reviewer or critic can make suggestions that will help artists and performers to improve their efforts in later performances.
6. Reviewers and critics identify the new. Whenever new works are offered to the public, and, at times, before these new works are presented for the first time, reviewers and critics are able to identify, interpret, and explain trends and new developments in the arts to their readers.
7. Reviewers and critics record history. One of the best sources of performing arts history is the review. As many nonfiction news writers do, reviewers and critics write arts history on a daily basis.
8. Reviews and critical writing are also entertaining. As reviewers and critics impart personality, they also entertain with timely and interesting writing .

Monday, September 20, 2010


. Writer William Ruehlrnann ( 1979) recommended 10 points about the basics of what he calls judgmental features. To reach success as a critic, he says:
Make yourself an expert. The more you know about writing books such as novels, the more authoritative you will be and the better you can handle your assignment.
Don't flaunt your expertise. Do not write over the heads of your readers. Teach, but do not assume too much about what readers know.
Do not talk down. Assume your reader is intelligent and can understand what you write.
Avoid over-dependence on plot summary. Do not tell your reader everything that happened. Tell the reader how and why something happened, but not what.
Explain the work in context of our lives. In other words, he asks, is the work good entertainment? Does it help us better understand ourselves or understand the world around us? If so, it is art.
Find a strong lead and ending. Be specific and arresting in your lead. End with a snap.
Cite specific examples to support your views. If you say something good or bad about the work, show readers. This gives insight by providing your own reasoning behind the assessment.
Write well and write cleverly. Apply the same standards for good style and structure that you expect in the work you are reviewing to your own writing .
Take your stand with conviction. Do not be timid. Write with confidence and assurance.
Have a little charity. Remember this in particular when you are writing about amateur artists instead of professionals. But even in dealing with seasoned professionals, take into consideration all factors when you decide you love or hate something.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Entertainment Features and Critical Writing

Writing about entertainment is changing with the times. No longer limited to previews and reviews, editors for consumer magazines and daily newspapers have taken new looks at how reviews, criticism, and entertainment features extended beyond the routine. New weekend sections have been created for newspapers. New departments in magazines are parts of redesigns. These publications have broadened how they cover the arts and entertainment and they have added more depth. Entertainment journalism is growing to full maturity along side the more-established opinion-based reviews and critiques ( Bednarski, 1993; Bunn, 1993; Hellyer, 1993; Vawter, 1993).
Many aspiring nonfiction writers associate writing artistic reviews and criticism as a glamorous career filled with opportunities to mix with both the famous and infamous artists of our time. The work is attractive to beginners in the news media because reviewers and critics are often working at the cutting edge of such creativity as filmmaking, book writing , television program production, music and dance performance, and theater production. Perhaps the lives of those who do reviewing and critical writing are often filled with glitter, bright lights, and black ties for the successful few who are nationally known full-time reviewers or critics of the arts. For most people who do reviewing or criticism, it is a part-time specialization and seldom offers the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Reviewing and critical writing are still two of the most popular forms of feature writing among young writers. With the strong appeal of the performing arts to young adults in particular, it only makes sense that many beginning writers seek to develop talents as reviewers and, ultimately, as critics.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Currently feels like myself being push to the limit. Never been this sad throughout the journey of being ABBY SUHAIMI. Everyone, please be nice.Abby, be strong dont let the environment surrounding destroy u from being urself and became the one who u always wanted to be. tq bff for always be there to share every single thing thats happening.

p/s:PEOPLE,please mind ur own business. Spreading bad stories about people is not the source of hapiness. mine will always be mine and thats how it goes to urs either. my behavior will never affect ur pointer.thank you.

Friday, September 3, 2010


assignments is almost done.final is almost starts.life has only begun.haihhh.
its been boring here,too many things to be done but always lazy to do so*pmalas btol.

love havent been around lately...but thats good bcuz aint got time for that too.

be nice,i'll do the same.ewww.i hate u more nowadays.