Todd Hunt ( 1972) pointed to these functions of reviewers and entertainment writers in covering the arts:
1. First, and foremost, the reviewer informs readers about the arts. Readers learn about the existence of new works from their favorite publications.
2. Reviewing and criticism help to raise the cultural level of the community, the region, and the nation. By setting standards for performance, the cultural community is, in the long run, improved.
3. Reviewers and critics impart personality to the community. By writing lively copy, expressing well-supported opinions, and by being a little bit different, the reviewer and critic provide a unique personal dimension to their feature writing .
4. Reviewers and critics advise readers how to best use their resources. Reviewers and critics help readers decide what films to see, books to read, restaurants to visit, and which theaters to attend. With limited entertainment budgets, many readers depend on their local reviewers and critics to guide them in making these decisions.
5. Reviewers and critics help artists and performers to fine-tune their works. As an educated consumer, a qualified reviewer or critic can make suggestions that will help artists and performers to improve their efforts in later performances.
6. Reviewers and critics identify the new. Whenever new works are offered to the public, and, at times, before these new works are presented for the first time, reviewers and critics are able to identify, interpret, and explain trends and new developments in the arts to their readers.
7. Reviewers and critics record history. One of the best sources of performing arts history is the review. As many nonfiction news writers do, reviewers and critics write arts history on a daily basis.
8. Reviews and critical writing are also entertaining. As reviewers and critics impart personality, they also entertain with timely and interesting writing .